The Great British Swim
Distance: 2,676.76 km
8 Apr 2024 - 31 Dec 2030
Audience: Joinable Challenge
Number of swimmers:
Ranked by: Days to Complete
In 2018, Ross Edgley became the first person to swim around the coast of the UK. It took him 157 days and during that time he never set foot on land, sleeping on his support boat and entering the water at the same spot he left it every day.
The swim started and finished in Margate as he swam clockwise around the island, travelling along the South coast, past Land's End and Wales, between Ireland and Scotland then in and out the Western Isles, over the top of Scotland and back down the East coast to Margate. It may take you a while to equal this achievement, even as part of a group! The total distance of the swim is 2680km although Ross actually swam 2883 as he has to negotiate currents (which are less of a problem in your pool).
km swam so far
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