Create Your FREE SWIMTAG Account Now!

How It Works

There are a few ways to get started...

Once you have uploaded your first swim...

SWIMTAG vous offre une vision unique de votre nage, vous pouvez analiser chaque longueur individuelle et partagée, ou voir vos programmes d'entrainement groupés

The system tracks the number of lengths you complete, split times, stroke type and stroke rate. You can then keep track of key swim statistics such as average pace, distance per stroke, calorie burn and rest percentage

La page d'accueil SWIMTAG vous tient au courant de vos derniers progrès et exploits, à chaque nage enregistrée, nous vous informerons des nouvelles mises à jour de vos record personnel, compétitions et défis.

Vous recevrez également des notifications de votre piscine sur les dernières nouvelles et événements pour vous tenir informés sur les dernières activités.

Discover the features


Défiez-vous et d'autres personnes pour une nage épique. Sélectionnez une date de début et une date de fin pour votre défi et SWIMTAG mettra à jour vos progrès au fur et à mesure de votre position sur la carte.


Les compétitions vous confrontent contre d'autres nageurs dans votre piscine locale ou à travers le pays. Nagez la distance et le style de nage établis et SWIMTAG affichera votre meilleur temps dans le tableau des scores.


Créer un objectif SWIMTAG pour tracer les statistiques de nage pendant une certaine période de temps. Vous pouvez suivre une valeure moyenne ou globale pour vous pousser davantage dans la piscine.

Records personnels

Préparez jusqu'à 5 records personnels avec un type de nage et une distance spécifiques et SWIMTAG enregistrera vos nages pour un nouveau record personnel. Vous êtes informé dès qu'un nouveau temps est réglé de sorte que vous pouvez garder un œil sur vos performances.

Programmes d'entraînement

Choisissez l'un de nos programmes d'entraînement et SWIMTAG enregistrera tous vos progrès

Compagnons de natation

Partagez vos progrès et voyez comment vos amis nageurs avancent!

See Your Swim

Using Our Swim Editor Tool



Temps de nage


Stroke Rate




Repos %


Temps total


Dist. moy./mvt








Nouvelle nage téléchargée

Votre nage du 13 février à Eastwoods Health Club a été chargé, vous avez nagé 800 mètres en 34min 55seconde. Voir votre nage ici.

Défi terminé à 50%!

Vous avez terminé la moitié du défi Escape From Alcatraz, continuez comme ça!

Mise à jour de la compétition

Good news, you have beaten your previous Temps in the Beginners 1km Competition competition by 4s, you are now in 12th place. Check your latest position ici

Nouveau record personnel

Vous avez battu votre meilleur temps pour 400m Crawl avant par 2seconde! Bravo, votre nouveau meilleur record personnel est 1m 7s.


Connect Your Favourite Apps

Exporter Nages

MyWellness Cloud
Svøm langt
Apple Health App

Importer Nages

Apple Health App
Garmin Connect


nager plus loin

Défiez-vous et d'autres personnes pour une nage épique. Sélectionnez une date de début et une date de fin pour votre défi et SWIMTAG mettra à jour vos progrès au fur et à mesure de votre position sur la carte.


... active challenges


... nageurs vont participer


... routes to choose from

Join The Community

What are your #SWIMTAG goals?

🌟Big News! Risca Leisure Centre has finished 4th in the UK for distance on the swimtag pool leaderboard in December! 👏Huge congratulations to everyone who contributed – what an amazing achievement! 🏊Want to see how far you can go? SWIMTAG is available across our leisure centres, so come along and track your swimming progress! #SWIMTAG 🌟Newyddion Mawr! Mae Canolfan Hamdden Rhisga wedi gorffen yn bedwerydd yn y DU o ran pellter ar fwrdd sgorio pwll SWIMTAG ym mis Rhagfyr! 👏Llongyfarchiadau mawr i bawb a gyfrannodd – am gyflawniad anhygoel! 🏊Ydych chi eisiau gweld pa mor bell allwch chi nofio? Mae SWIMTAG ar gael ar draws ein canolfannau hamdden, felly dewch draw a gweld manylion eich sesiwn nofio! #SWIMTAG

🏊‍♂️ Celebrating Our Top Swimmers of 2024! 🌟 A huge congratulations to everyone who made it to the leaderboard. Your hard work and dedication have been truly inspiring, with impressive distances covered throughout the year. Here’s to another year of amazing achievements in 2025! 🏅 #TopSwimmers2024 #swimtag #dmuleisure #swimming #swimmingpool

Got my swim tag all set up 💪 Ready to track my efforts, 43 laps in 45 minutes on my first attempt. Is that a good result? 😁 I was a competition swimmer for 15 years and it's been almost as long since I last swam properly, still got my breast stroke down good 👌 Sauna or steam room, which is better for afterwards? 🤔 #swimming #swimtag #strava #stravaswim

🏊Take on the Vancouver Bridges Swim Challenge this September with SWIMTAG!🏆 💦Get into our pools and see if you can conquer the journey! #SWIMTAG #VancouverBridges #SeeYourSwim 🏊Cymerwch ran yn Her Nofio Pontydd Vancouver yn ystod mis Medi gyda SWIMTAG!🏆 💦Ewch i mewn i'n pyllau ni i weld a ydych chi'n gallu concro'r daith! #SWIMTAG #PontyddVancouver #GweldEichSesiwnNofio


Feeling proud. May still swim slowly but I’m still swimming #glimmers

Was absolutely not feeling this but I did it 💪 #swimtag

50 mins swimming laps in a public pool for the first time in nearly 30 years (with a bad back & an arthritic knee) ✅ Followed by 4 hours of chatting & a coffee… #2024OutOfMyComfortZoneChallenge #SWIMTAG 🏊‍♀️🐋🐳

We need your help! 🫵 Westwoods are entering a team of swimmers to compete with Mill House Leisure Centre, Palatine Leisure Centre, and Moor Park Health and Leisure Centre in our latest SWIMTAG challenge. We are going to battle it out to be the first team to swim to the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin from just off the coast of Anglesey which is a total distance of 105km, hopefully arriving before St Patrick's Day.☘️ We have 3 spaces remaining so if you would like to take part, just log into your SWIMTAG account and accept the invitation! The battle will start once all four centres have assembled a team of ten swimmers! 📲 You do not need to be Michael Phelps to enter as all efforts are appreciated! Bring it home Team Westwoods! 🏊‍♀️🏆 #SWIMTAG #StPaddysDay #stpaddys #guinnessstorehouse #swimming #swimmingpool #swimchallenge

New #PB, fastest have #Swam 80 lengths. Beat previous PB by 2 mins. Not bad, considering had stomach bug earlier in week. Maybe as am lighter after said illness, been able to move faster. Regardless, am pretty pleased. #Swimming #JustKeepSwimming #SwimTag #ACLReconstruction #Breaststroke

3000m swim completed in 01:18hr this afternoon. Only 195 lengths remaining #longdistanceswimming #swimtag #thehudsonriverswim

5th Jan vs 23rd Jan Pretty much nearly the same swim time, but an extra 100m accomplished in that time 💪🏼💪🏼 Even though the pool was really busy for some reason this morning, I've managed to smash out a new PB for the year in terms of swim length & time! 🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️ #morningswim #swimmingfitness #swimmingforweightloss #swimtag #weightlossjourney #75dayhard #75daychallenge

My morning swim - just one mile today. #swim #swimming #swimlife #swimtag #swimmer #swimtraining #swimtime #everyoneactive #everyonesctivehemelhempstead #boxmoor #hemel #hemelhempstead #herts #hertfordshire


Winter is definitely not my favourite season temperature wise, but I'm now post-jab and recovered from illness, so it's back to fundraising! I'm actually quite impressed with how much front crawl I managed to do, I was expecting to be back to near where I started after so long off, but we did it 💪 It definitely wasn't the easiest, and the first 20-30 lengths are always hard, but it's worth it for how peaceful the second mile is once my body has settled in 🏊‍♀️ #swimmer #swimming #swimtag #swim #aspirechannelswim #aspire #aspirechannelswim2023 #fundraiser #fundraising #spinalcordinjury #spinalhealth #spinalinjury #charity #charityswim #fitness

Do you use SwimTag? 🏊‍♀️ Here at Andover Leisure Centre our members use SwimTag to help them stay motivated, and it’s FREE for our swim and premium members! During the Month of June our SwimTag users swam a total off 12,759km between our 89 current SwimTag users. 🤩 Why not become a user and track your stats on your next swim with us? Pick yours up at reception on your next visit for FREE! #swimtags #swimming #andoverleisurecentre #trackyourprogress #swimtag #startnow


I had my session corrected from a few weeks ago! It now looks much closer to how I thought I swam, especially time wise, and I'm pretty happy with the results 😍 Absolutely loving swimtag it's so helpful being able to see a complete breakdown of my swim, and it's amazing that an incorrect analysis can be corrected by having a person go through the data recorded 🔥

Spent the latter half of yesterday having mild-moderate heart palpitations, so I took it pretty easy today. Lots of rests and water breaks, and I mostly focused on skills rather than lengths! Did a lot of exclusive arm work, especially for front crawl as it's my weakest stroke, and I could definitely tell the difference by the end of the session 🥳 #swimmer #swimming #swim #swimtag #pool #swimmingpool #laneswimming #technique #improvingtechnique

Our swimtag users had a great month in the pool last month! Here are the stats: 479km swam overall 143090 calories burnt overall 222 hours spent in the pool These are all higher numbers than in April, so lets keep up the hard work this month! If you haven't used SWIMTAG before -it is free to use for members and adult Swim School students and helps you to keep track of your progress in the pool. You can also join challenges to push you on your swimming journey; the current challenge is to swim the distance of the Loch Ness - you have until the end of the month to complete (and please let us know if you see the monster!) Ask at reception to try SWIMTAG. #swimtag #seeyourswim #tmactive #larkfieldleisurecentre

What a difference a week makes. Knocked over 10 mins off my 30 laps this morning… although seemed to have burnt less calories?! Go figure 😂 swimtag app is super useful to track all my swims from my watch and improve week on week 🏊‍♀️ #swimtraining #swimming #swim #swimmer #swimlife #swimmingpool #swimmerslife #swimmers #swimteam #training #swimpractice #instaswim #swimmerlife #pool #swimminglife #loveswimming #swimmingtime #swimtime #swimtag


I was slower tonight than last week, but I had mowed the lawn and cycled to the pool. I knew I was doing better but looking at a swim from 18 months ago it was still a surprise! I’m so grateful and lucky to have my health on the up and fitness improving. #howdoesitgetbetterthanthis🧞‍♂️


160 lengths (4k) in the bag! My last long training swim before the first 5k swim of my swimathon_uk 30.9k Challenge next Friday. . . . . . #swimathon #swimathon2023 #swimathon23 #swimathon30k #swimathon30 #swimathon5k #swimathon5000metres #swimathontriple5k #swimathontriple5km

Can you get to the top of the leaderboard? This April we are challenging our swimmers to Swim all the way around Easter Island! Swimmers must be registered with SWIMTAG to take part. Not registered? No problem, ask the team at reception next time you’re in! #swimming #laneswimming #swimworkout #swimtag

I‘ve been working on a new hobby („obsession „🙈) over the last few months and am quite proud of meself for sticking with it. ☺️ If I follow Malcolm Gladwell‘s 10,000 hour principle then I only have another 9,882 hours until I’m swimming like Adam Peaty! 😇😎 #swimming #fitnessmotivation #fitnessgoals #adampeaty #swimtag #swimathon #triple5k #triple5kchallenge #schwimmen #malcolmgladwell #outliers #activehartlepool


Swimathon and swimtag are once again teaming up to bring a new edge to your swimming training! SWIMTAG is a training and monitoring platform for swimmers of all abilities where swimmers can track their swims, join virtual challenges, compete with other swimmers, track personal bests and much much more! To kick off the launch with SWIMTAG, we will be running a competition series starting TODAY where SWIMTAG users can log their best training times over the 400m, 1.5km, 2km and 5km distances and see how they compare with other swimmers in the Swimathon Competition Series. SWIMTAG is free to use and open to anyone with a compatible Sports Watch (Apple or Garmin) or SWIMTAG wristband which you can collect from participating pools. If you are already signed up, click the link in our bio to start logging those PB's and climbing the leaderboard 🏆

Another great month in the pool for our swimtag users: 371km swum 186 hours in the pool with SWIMTAG 113994 calories burnt whilst swimming Well done and keep going through March! There is still a month left to complete the Iron Man Distance challenge, and you can begin the new Loch Ness challenge today 🏊‍♀️ SWIMTAG is free to Swim & Spa and Health & Fitness members - ask at reception to use one. #tmactive #larkfieldleisurecentre #swimtag #getactiveyourway

I didn’t realise that there were any prizes so was highly suspicious when Zoe got an email from the Sports Centre, but it was genuine. I managed just over 63km in the pool in January which was more than any of the other SWIMTAG swimmers. 👏 Well done to all our swimmers who took part in last month’s #swimtag competition, we look forward to you joining us in the coming months. 🥇A special mention to Steve Gilden who topped our leaderboard and won our swimming goody bag! Want to get involved? Ask our team at reception about SwimTag next time you visit🏊‍♀️. SwimTag challenges run every month, with opportunities to win prizes for specific challenges! #swimtag #publicswim #laneswimming #swimmingpools #swim #swimming #exercise #exercisemotivation #exerciseroutine #exercisedaily #sportscentre #everyonesctive #everyonesctivehemelhempstead

New Challenge Alert! Starting tomorrow, and with the use of SWIMTAG, swim the length of the famous Loch Ness (hopefully the monster won't be lurking in the pools)! Participants will be ranked by the number of days taken to complete the challenge, but you have until 30 June to complete the 36.29km distance 💦 lots of you have already signed up, so let's swim through from March to June. SWIMTAG is FREE to use for members, ask at reception to use it. #tmactive #larkfieldleisurecentre #swimtag #lochnessswim #lochnesschallenge

Join us in March in our Centre to Centre swim Challenge where the winner will receive a swimming equipment goody bag! 🥇 To take part, swimmers must be registered with SWIMTAG. Not registered? No problem, ask at reception next time you come's FREE to use! #swimtag #swimming #swimchallenge #publicswim #laneswimming

20 people have now completed the Iron Man Distance Swim using swimtag (you have until 1 April to try this if you haven't already), and well done to the three swimmers who have swum the longer Cook Strait distance of 22.19km 💦 Keep an eye out for the next challenge starting in March. SWIMTAG is a wearable device that tracks your swims and allows you to monitor your progress, set personal challenges and join online competitions like swimming the Iron Man Distance or the Cook Strait. All Health & Fitness and Swim & Spa Members can use SWIMTAG for FREE whenever they swim. Ask at reception next time you visit. #tmactive #swimtag #larkfieldleisurecentre #swimtagchallenge

🏊Are you a regular swimmer? Have you tried Swimtag? Ask at reception next time you come's FREE to use! SWIMTAG tracks the number of lengths you complete, split times, stroke type and stroke rate. You can then keep track of key swim statistics such as average pace, distance per stroke, calorie burn and rest percentage #swimtag #publicswimming #laneswimming

👏 Well done to all our swimmers who took part in last month’s #swimtag competition, we look forward to you joining us next month! 🥇A special mention to Steve Gilden who has topped our leaderboard, we will be in contact with you shortly to arrange your prize giving. Want to get involved? Ask our team at reception about SwimTag next time you visit🏊‍♀️. #swimtag #publicswim #laneswimming #swimmingpool

14 people have now completed the swimtag Iron Man Distance challenge 🏊‍♀️ The swim follows the route that competitors swim during the World Championships in Hawaii (followed by a 112 mile bike ride and a marathon run - this is optional in the SWIMTAG challenge)! You can still join the challenge and have until April to complete. SWIMTAG tracks your progress in the pool and is a great training tool - it is free to use for all Swim & Spa and Health & Fitness members. Ask at reception next time you come for a swim. #tmactive #swimtag #ironmanswim #swimtagchallenge #larkfieldleisurecentre

🎉🎉🎉Ferdig med årets første utfordring 💪 10.000 m crawl mellom Bergen- Askøy gjennomført. #svømlangt #adoarenabergen #swimtag

Frequently Asked Questions

No, you can import your swim data from Apple Health (using an Apple Watch) or .FIT file (using Garmin Connect or any other compatible device) or manually log your swim data.
You can create your account and import swims for free, if you are using a SWIMTAG wristband you have full access to the website otherwise some advanced features require a subscription.
Pour le moment nous ne fournissons que des bracelets fournis avec un système
Yes, you can import open water swims to SWIMTAG using a compatible sports watch
If you are a pool operator please visit for information on a Club SWIMTAG system and the contact details for your local SWIMTAG Team.