Paris Landmarks Swim

Distance: 4992 metres

26 Jul 2024 - 11 Aug 2024

Audience: United Kingdom
Would you like to take part in our 'Paris Landmarks Swim' challenge? The route is just under 5km and takes you between the major landmarks of Paris. Swimmers will be ranked by the number of days to complete, how long might it take you?The city of Paris is one of the most visited cities in the world, full of famous tourist attractions including the Louvre, the Arc des Triomphe, the Pantheon and the Palace de la Bastille. This swim is a short trip up the River Seine between the two most famous landmarks in the city. You'll start at the Eiffel tower, pass the Place de la Concorde on the way and finish 5km to the West at Notre Dame Cathedral exiting the water by the Memorial des Martyrs de la Deportation.

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